wake up and smell the ass play
so "the beautiful girl's" dad forwards us an email...basically says that the wicked and deceptive Obama administration wants to levy a tax on every transaction you make at your bank...1% of the transaction...wow.. now this strikes me as kinda counter what the prez stands for...but never really trusting our government...whether dem or rep...i do some reading...and i learn two things...one is that the tax is on banks that transfer huge amounts of money... largely overseas...the reason seems to be one awareness of what these large financial institutions are up to...terrorism is used in the description...but i think that paints the problem with a large brush...and uses the buzz word...terrorism...for acceptance...but i have no problem with the government watchin these fucks...they have proved to be as trustworthy as crack whores at the rock candy playhouse.. .but ...and heres the really telling part...i find that the lobbyists for these banks have sent the "stupid and wi...