the stupid rate starts its meteoric rise...

lots to watch, see and hear these days...republicans are cautiously circling the one bone that is...the republican presidential nomination...but do you ever ask yourself...why do these people...these specific people...want to be king of america...or in some cases queen...democrats have a different abortion...anti war...anti get the rap...but the "pubs"...they get the stupid and loathsome ...palin...shes that girl from high school that you hoped would get the Carrie treatment at the prom...her boyfriend was always the school bully...we have "the newt"...another irrelevant has been...trying to relive old glory???...Tim Pawlenty the ex governor of minesoda...yes i spelled it wrong.. and lest we forget...michele " the truth" Bachman...darling of the tea writing small mis- step after another...throw in a huckabee, a romney , a santorum and you have a whose who of the uniformed and "unitell...