it can't be that bad...there's football
read the the news...just plain talk to the people sitting next to you when you are bending your elbow...we have surrendered...almost all of us...left, right, center...i think the only people who are happy are the rich...cause its good to be rich...its the american dream...and in that lies the that all we have been reduced to...the rich and those of us close enough to reach for the brass or in our case green else do you attraction to ass clowns like ...Perry...Bachman...Limbaugh...shit even our least Palin screwed the pooch and alienated herself from the extreme right by getting outed for schtupping a black guy...would have been better for her if she got cuddly with an Inuit...but i it seems we are at the "throw in the towel" period of american history...big business no longer wears the veil of propriety...they own us...and they tell us every day...the supreme court rubber stamps anything vaguely re...