
Showing posts from October, 2012

for a logical man, its all black and white

Its palpable...its visceral...its not all that hard to is hatred...if you take the facts...not the misogynistic claims of the nutbag conservatives...Obama has done a yeoman's job...I won't rehash it...and today I am not preaching to the troglodytes that espouse the worth and merit of a total A hole like today I am offering my take to those of you who read this, and like me, see that the road to our demise lies in the practices and policies of yet another republican administration...deficits are created by republicans...the facts are the facts...the bush administration created a problem so huge that the solution might be generational...not a single term worthy...but to the I read a report on global post that spoke about an Muslim radical that called for the kidnapping of westerners in exchange for jihadists in captivity...i went to the thread to add a comment my naive surprise the entire thread was an Obama hate stream...and th...

the ultimate mormon treasure hunter

I have played with this topic..cause I not entirely comfortable taking shots at what a person believes...honestly... I believe it's personal, and should be on the one hand, absolutely a non issue in a presidential election...But then came Mitt...Mitt of the constantly changing views, and positions on just about anything...nothing is sacred...any possible viewpoint can be mangled and regurgitated into an entirely new view...depending on the polls...but not his religion...a religion based on the proficiencies and visions of a slightly demented treasure hunter from Western New York...look I don't care about the magic underwear...strange as it is...or the fact that they believe that if they live the good Mormon existence they get to go the star or planet Kolob..which is just to the right of where god lives...all religions have that vague" this is what happens when you die" support system...they all have funny particularities about garment use or restriction...all contai...