life in trump times
Saturdays are busy times here in United States of stooped... Do I attend my local KKK meeting slash picnic slash poetry reading...or do I head to my nearest "defend the confederate statue" protest. I know I am free to go to my nearest gay neighborhood to throw rocks at the queers, but that is sooo last week. Maybe I'll just head down to Lowes and get some more bricks for my own wall to keep my yard from touching my neighbors. Yup six months into the reign of Trump and I am realizing I have so much more to do than watch college football or sit on my beach. I used to read but now I just feel useless and well...liberal if I try to enlarge my world with fake news or facts. I can now sit and dream of the oil derricks that will soon dot the horizon, bringing cheap gas to my "really great" American car. I delighted in the nostalgic nature of my friend in Guam reliving " duck and cover" drills while waiting for the other really great( I don't know ...