rick scott is a douche bag...

it made me wonder... why shut me down...this blog has 6 followers...and i think i am one of them.. totally by accident...i assure you...but... i write about other things...travel...cooking...sports...yet after reviewing two years of blogs...mostly i feel the need to comment on the rapid, Vaseline lubed decline of what i used to call America...i write this blog for me...as my friend beardo puts it...to keep me from actually killing un-expecting, neophyte conservatives...espousing birther nonsense...all the while regaling the newest "mouth terd" excreted by Rush Limbaugh...i thought i was expressing myself in a free environment...but i was wrong...in the land of "social interaction"...we are the only censurer...as it was explained to me...anyone of us can simply look over to the bottom of any posting and report it as abusive...i just wonder if i report some of these uber conservative...wacko racist sites as offensive to me...will they be shut down...slapped on the wrist for six weeks...i will never find out...why you might ask...because its called freedom of speech for a fucking reason...yell whatever you want...from the highest point you can find...its your right...people are fighting and dying ...right now...today...for that simple guarantee...so i won't be reporting anyone...have at it wackadoooos...oh yeah,,,and rick scott is a douche bag...


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