
Showing posts from December, 2010

on prayer...good thoughts and the left handed compliment...

since the great that a term...countless friends have sent their prayers...i can only suppose prayers for healing and strength...maybe even a couple dr. who time machine prayers that i awaken on that warm November morning and not feel the urge to finish the shelf for the cd rack...some surely pray for my good humor or a positive attitude towards my nuevo affliction...a few artist friends even prayed that this could never and would never happen to brought me to thinking about my uplink to the almighty...never a person resolute in my is amazing to me that grown people take a moment out of every day to offer a thought to...who? to someone that silently watches over us...that cares for us...i just lost that connection somewhere along the way...that sense of peace...for that trust in something unseen...i lament...there is something very consoling in a basis of faith...that someone out there gives a shit about me, my loved ones...all of us...definably ...

a month after...

so here goes...been a month...the saw and i changed my life know my hands(plural being the operative word)have really taken care of and carpentry...and my life in the kitchen...i am a big guy...i can move alot of stuff..lift really big things...i was the guy you'd call to toss out a belligerent we learned that a lot of really small...almost weightless things, make up a day...write a check...takes about 5 minutes something down???...not before i forget about it...use a mouse...type...easier but a can ...impossible...the first thing i learned guessed it...something to do with the my nose...tomorrow buttoning my jeans with one hand...frustrated to near insanity...dependent on someone for far too many things...thank Buddha for drawstring pants and least i am not pants-less and unshodden during this florida winter...the hand is healing...and three out...

so i might have been preoccupied...

obama caved...the republicans...saviors of our nation...refused to let the unemployed..sic..poor receive an extension of benefits unless the rich get to keep their bush tax cuts...never mind all the fussing and gnashing of hands over the every increasing deficit...the rich 5% of americans deserve those breaks...forget the increase of billions to the deficit...its obama's fault...the democrats are could he do this...fuck them too...a worthless party of spineless politicians...didn't back their president when they had a super the hell does it matter...we got exactly what the stupid and willing wanted...even if they didn't know thats what they wanted...happy rich fucks...the deficit will continue to grow...even if they take away everything that benefits the poor and middle class...the rich...the corporates...don't give a minute shit about the deficit...line their pockets...merry christmas everyone...lets see what else they can do to get r...