a month after...

so here goes...been a month...the saw and i changed my life forever...you know my hands(plural being the operative word)have really taken care of me...my art...construction and carpentry...and my life in the kitchen...i am a big guy...i can move alot of stuff..lift really big things...i was the guy you'd call to move...to make...to toss out a belligerent asshole...so we learned that a lot of really small...almost weightless things, make up a day...write a check...takes about 5 minutes now...jot something down???...not before i forget about it...use a mouse...type...easier but still...open a can ...impossible...the first thing i learned ...you guessed it...something to do with the butt...today...blowing my nose...tomorrow buttoning my jeans with one hand...frustrated to near insanity...dependent on someone for far too many things...thank Buddha for drawstring pants and crocs...at least i am not pants-less and unshodden during this florida winter...the hand is healing...and three outta five will be better than 1...but for now...its a debit card and wiping my nose on my sleeve...just kidding


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