reading is fundamental...
so i read...bunches of stuff...cookbooks, novels, travel, photo, music and literature mags by the metric ton...i read about our world...all of it not just the city...the state...the region ...the nation i live in...i read stuff i don't agree with...i read stuff that's flat out untrue...but i read...i force myself through stuff that's absolute crap so i understand what is motivating people to think the way they do...i am not the sharpest pencil in the pack...more likely a very sharp spoon ...but...i wonder daily why so many of us are so willing to form an opinion from someone Else's mouth...or television appearance...if you read you can also read between the understand that when G.W. said that he knew there were no weapons of mass destruction...he meant but there were more important reasons to destabilize and control another country...oil...i also know that this group that is blindly slashing the size of government and programs that effect the least of us... ...