diasters of our making...
we cannot avoid mother natures little hiccups...earthquakes and the subsequent tsunamis are as unavoidable as they are horrific...but the man made fallout is what is truly frightening...if you are old enough to remember three mile island and Chernobyl...you know that we run the risk of irreparably changing our planet forever with an unchecked nuclear reactor...japan is admittedly years ahead of the U.S. in preparation for the worst case scenario...and we got to see first hand how a certain set of circumstances can create the perfect storm for radiation destruction of a large area...and then to listen to the talking heads say that we are too close to this horrible event to really look at our precautions and preparations...is to say the least ridiculous...years ago when i was a wee lad we fought hard against nuclear reactors...they built one in my backyard...there was no n.i.m.b.y. then ...not in my backyard...but we were fighting against a source of energy that brings with it an unacceptable risk...and not just to us and to the world...i read last week that the great plains and Arizona are the Saudi Arabia of wind power...that we could produce enough electricity to supply the entire country's electrical needs...forever...and yet...we depend on petroleum...and coal and nuclear to supply us with 80% of our needs...do we ever get smarter...we need new industry...manufacturing...long term jobs...i say lets put all those mid-western and Arizonian tea baggers back to work...building turbine farms...
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