so lets be clear!!!
i know, i know...another rant about mitt and ryan...the antichrists in control of the house and senate...but riddle me their chant, their knock, their screaming crescendo of high pitched tweaking hasn't created enough...dropped the ball...well remember the jobs act he proposed...the one that would be funded by a tax on billionaires...not hundredaires or thousandaires or even millionnaires... but billionaires...people with so much money that if you stacked it on their chest...the sheer efficacy would crush them like tiny beetles under foot!...not an entirely un attractive notion...yet they blocked that bill...keep the billionaires happy...big oil wants to drill in the artic national park...go ahead...doesn't matter that the oil will go to china...the largest consumer nation on the a pipeline from Canada thru the midwest.s largest fresh water reserves...go ahead...make a buck...enact a law prohibiting laws to pro...