the biggest and bestest!!

so I got a new gig...a small-ish restaurant out on the beach..kinda below my pay grade...but its work, and in this economy ...the one handed chef needs to with new job comes new hours...and by this I mean some day work...the go to bed early, be in the restaurant by half past eight early...I get slightly nauseous just thinking about it...but I  am meandering...home by six ..I get to catch the local the commercial break  it starts...five unrelenting minutes of right wing bashing...anti Obama, anti bill nelson, anti anything that smells what struck me, what made me wait for the next break...was.. where was the response...where where were Obama ads...pointing out the differences...the obvious choice we have to make in the very near future...well folks they were missing...and you know why??..its because there is no longer any governor on what private interest can do to buy an election...we are witnessing the dismantlement of our government in front of our eyes...where we once agreed to disagree...there is now a marketing plan designed to unseat anyone that stands between business and its profits...I am not naive...i know this has always existed...but now the rules have changed and the inmates have the if you are one of the short bus window lickers that see favor in this change of process...i ask you this...what will you do when they decide that...lets see...that it favors the bottom line to buy up all the "united church of christ" marginalize the back side of the donation, book, and merchandise markets and say join the the muslims and baptists together...because its cost effective and highly profitable..ridiculous I hear you more ridiculous than printing lies, paying for destructive advertising to  alter and influence an election...these are not people, people...these are corporations and they have only one grow, become profitable and proliferate!!


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