it sure ain't genetic
we all have our own opinions..and we all believe ours are correct... lets start with that simple premise...i try, i really try, not feed into my pigheaded nature...i read, all kinds of stuff..stuff that directly goes against my beliefs..i do this.. so as not to be a mindless fob..a spouter of propaganda, planted in my mind by people i agree with...its easy to do that these days..because you can Google up support for your view very simply...and you can leave the page of anyone you disagree with with a simply mousey click...ill give you a case in point..i, like most liberal fucking do gooders ,was ready to hang George Zimmerman the morning after the news report of Travon Martin's death...but i then choose to read everything i could get on the legal disclosures...the evidence...the law..i came to a very un liberal opinion...i don't think a grown man should have been so afraid for his life to have shot a teenager in self defense...self defense.. t...