
Showing posts from August, 2013

it sure ain't genetic

we all have our own opinions..and we all believe ours are correct... lets start with that simple premise...i try, i really try, not feed  into my pigheaded nature...i read, all kinds of stuff..stuff that directly goes against my beliefs..i do this.. so as not to be a mindless fob..a spouter of propaganda, planted in my mind by people i agree with...its easy to do that  these days..because you can Google up support for your view very simply...and you can leave the page of anyone you disagree with with a simply mousey click...ill give you a case in point..i, like most liberal  fucking do gooders ,was ready to hang George Zimmerman the morning after the news report of   Travon Martin's death...but i  then choose  to read everything i could get on the legal disclosures...the evidence...the law..i came to a very un liberal opinion...i don't think a grown man should have been so afraid for his life to have shot a teenager in self defense...self defense.. t...

40 percent is scary

So i was watching a documentary on virgins...strange you might say...a constantly dwindling yet ever replaced segment of the female persuasion ...of course this doc was about evangelicals and their pursuit of the godliness...a fine pursuit...a pursuit worthy of praise...but then they start throwing out some these aren't actual..verifiable these are...unqualified...unsubstantiated...bullshit...the first was that 40 percent of americans believe in creationism...that can't be right ...cause if it is we have become...the stupidest...most uneducated...nation in the modern world...we immediately halt all medical research...start praying over the sick and infirmed..because all of the sciency stuff that we have come up with is...just crap...cause jesus fought t-rex...and if jesus fought t-rex than what the hell is a the big picture...forget carbon dating...we got i'm on my knees tonight...and i'm praying that we are not that s...