
Showing posts from September, 2013

its bazarro world...

So this week has been interesting...lets see navy yard republicans pledging to shut down the government unless they can de-fund Obama care...Pakistan is releasing a top Taliban official into the cess- pool that is Afghanistan...I mean what else can we do wrong...or could we as a species do anything right... in a nation where gun violence is only topped by emerging African nations committing genocide...there is a large portion of the populace...voters ..that will fight to have a gun their their car...under their pillows or even in their kids teachers desk drawers...because if only bad guys have guns then we are lost as a country...where were all those gun owners when this guy was walking around killing people... or the asshole in the elementary school..the high school...the college campus...runnin in the opposite fucking direction...the only people running toward the sociopath were our police...the only americans that should possess a weapon...

like yesterday

We all remember where we were that fated morning.  I was in the doctors office.  Lots of old people around me, I mean I am in Florida.  There was a monitor sitting silently in the corner and usually Regis and Kelly would have been on.  But on this morning  as I lifted my head from the well worn issue of men's health I noticed the mouth a gape look of the folks around me.  I went from face to face around the waiting room.  Slowly realizing something was happening.  Something was desperately, horribly wrong.  I turned to the monitor to see just what was causing the horror I saw in their eyes.  These folks had seen some horror.  I fathomed that they were kids when Hitler and Stalin stalked the earth.  They had seen their children and grandchildren die in Korea and Vietnam.  Seen presidents and visionaries killed.  But the look was sheer terror.  One silver haired woman sat silently weeping, shaking her head. ...

even a good man can be swayed

Have we been at war for twelve years??  Have  we lost enough of the best and brightest of a generation to two wars that have made no sense, against an enemy that only grows larger and more rabid with our every action.  Yes we have. And  I for one am done with it.   I got into it with a liberal friend of mine the other day.  I know two liberals on one front law constitutes treason here in florida.  The argument centered on Syria.  I feel that our dependence on foreign oil and our desire to remain the big dog on the porch has left us precariously close to national demise.  The last president used his made up war against made up weapons and a propped up dictator to grab hold of oil fields and give us a base of operations to fight the big evil... Iran.  Then our present commander and chief followed suit, plunging us into the black hole of national destruction, known as Afghanistan.  This place is credited with bankrupting and destr...