even a good man can be swayed
Have we been at war for twelve years?? Have we lost enough of the best and brightest of a generation to two wars that have made no sense, against an enemy that only grows larger and more rabid with our every action. Yes we have. And I
for one am done with it.
I got into it with a liberal friend of mine the other day. I know two liberals on one front law constitutes treason here in florida. The argument centered on Syria. I feel that our dependence on foreign oil and our desire to remain the big dog on the porch has left us precariously close to national demise. The last president used his made up war against made up weapons and a propped up dictator to grab hold of oil fields and give us a base of operations to fight the big evil... Iran. Then our present commander and chief followed suit, plunging us into the black hole of national destruction, known as Afghanistan. This place is credited with bankrupting and destroying the Soviet union . There is no winning hearts and minds there. It is place stuck firmly in the the islamic 12th century. They despise us and everything but our basketball and big screens. Ask Vladimir Putin what he thinks about the country...like trying to kill a million cockroaches with one boot...How many dollars we don't have will we continue to spend in a place that will be the same horror story the day after we leave, as the day we arrived and now...Syria...syriously..I'm at a loss here. Lets forget the money. Forget the new enemies we will create. Forget the puppet military junta that will step into the void. Forget that Egypt is a road map for destabilized middle eastern power...Fuck all of that...No more wars...seriously let this generation of battle scarred young people come home. I don't care what the syrians used on the other Syrians. I really don't. Haven't we stood by and watched other genocides happen? What makes Syria so special? The region as a whole needs to enter the twenty first century. They should be able to establish whatever government they choose..kill whomever they collectively decide to kill..It is frankly none of our business!! This is not Europe 70 years ago. No country is planning to invade our shores..A nutbag might slip through our flimsy security and blow up some shit. That is the world we live in. And Karma is a bitch. We have run rough shod over the world for fifty years. And there are a lot of orphaned and fucked people that use our flag as a target. Enough. Her argument, my brilliant British neighbor, was if not us then who? Who stands between us and Gdub's evil doers . The president seems to be stuck in the whole "we are the voice of reason and right in a maddening world", mindset. I have watched this "good" man turn politician on stupid shit like this. I believe we, The total mind jelly citizens of this nation, are sick of sending our husbands, daughters, sister and sons across the planet to help other people behave like human beings. It is time to come home America, lick our wounds, rebuild all the destroyed lives that this insanity has yielded. And besides where the fuck do you think they got the sarin in the first place???
for one am done with it.
I got into it with a liberal friend of mine the other day. I know two liberals on one front law constitutes treason here in florida. The argument centered on Syria. I feel that our dependence on foreign oil and our desire to remain the big dog on the porch has left us precariously close to national demise. The last president used his made up war against made up weapons and a propped up dictator to grab hold of oil fields and give us a base of operations to fight the big evil... Iran. Then our present commander and chief followed suit, plunging us into the black hole of national destruction, known as Afghanistan. This place is credited with bankrupting and destroying the Soviet union . There is no winning hearts and minds there. It is place stuck firmly in the the islamic 12th century. They despise us and everything but our basketball and big screens. Ask Vladimir Putin what he thinks about the country...like trying to kill a million cockroaches with one boot...How many dollars we don't have will we continue to spend in a place that will be the same horror story the day after we leave, as the day we arrived and now...Syria...syriously..I'm at a loss here. Lets forget the money. Forget the new enemies we will create. Forget the puppet military junta that will step into the void. Forget that Egypt is a road map for destabilized middle eastern power...Fuck all of that...No more wars...seriously let this generation of battle scarred young people come home. I don't care what the syrians used on the other Syrians. I really don't. Haven't we stood by and watched other genocides happen? What makes Syria so special? The region as a whole needs to enter the twenty first century. They should be able to establish whatever government they choose..kill whomever they collectively decide to kill..It is frankly none of our business!! This is not Europe 70 years ago. No country is planning to invade our shores..A nutbag might slip through our flimsy security and blow up some shit. That is the world we live in. And Karma is a bitch. We have run rough shod over the world for fifty years. And there are a lot of orphaned and fucked people that use our flag as a target. Enough. Her argument, my brilliant British neighbor, was if not us then who? Who stands between us and Gdub's evil doers . The president seems to be stuck in the whole "we are the voice of reason and right in a maddening world", mindset. I have watched this "good" man turn politician on stupid shit like this. I believe we, The total mind jelly citizens of this nation, are sick of sending our husbands, daughters, sister and sons across the planet to help other people behave like human beings. It is time to come home America, lick our wounds, rebuild all the destroyed lives that this insanity has yielded. And besides where the fuck do you think they got the sarin in the first place???