you cant make this shit up

lets leave them nameless...lets just stick pictures of them on the wall... tape em up there.. replete with sharpie mustaches and beards..all the idiots..craning to be heard...standing deliberately in front of cameras and microphones... their you tube legacy...the rep that actually said that the wind is finite..if we put up all dem fancy windy like collectors..we could use up the wind..leaving us well...windless..holy shit...i knew this elected official went to college..probably a frat boy,but i digress...the point is whoa...another one..leading a group of octogenerian veterans to the world war II memorial...a place that honors their generations service in a confligration that claimed most of their best and brightest...he voted to shutdown the government...his employer..and yet he did not know that the momnument, all national monuments would be closed..and then in moment of his own personal zeitgeist...with cameras rolling..lambasted another fed...