its a bright new shiny day

it has been pointed out...and rightfully so...that i take this whole political thing far too seriously...chill, Ive been told...the sun will come up tomorrow...the beaches will still be beautiful...sunsets will still marvel the i will take time away from John Boehner's tears of joy...his out-reached hand of co-operation...i will quell my need to projectile vomit across the room...and i will...lighten up...after all it's just a few short weeks till the beautiful girl and i will be drinking mohitos at Casa Cayo Hueso... watching the sunset show on Mallory...breakfast cubans and coffee con leche at the laundromat on white street...catching up with old friends at the parrot and the schooner...i miss key west...the early morning strolls with my camera...the late night stumbles down duval...watching the tourists...eyes wide to be in this legendary last stop before cuba...i like being a tourist here...but i also love... that after all our trips we have deep roots...great friends and vast memories of a one of a kind we are it only takes 55 minutes to paradise...


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