
Showing posts from November, 2010


like a kick in the chest...the wood shot out...kicked out of my tablesaw...i checked to see if i ripped my shirt...and then...was my hand attached to the wood???shit...blood...peeking at the remnants off my hand...okay be cool...grab that rag ...okay the door to the house is closed...reaching for the knob...with..well not that hand...okay ...tuck the warm, red rag under my arm...squeeze the house...the beautiful girl asleep...closed last night...try not to scare the shit out of her...honey...honey...HONEY!!!...okay...the whole not freaking out thing down the road...ten blocks...on 5th or ninth...cindy screeching around corners...crying and glancing over at the warm, wet, dripping ashen the one way entrance to the hospital...passing people who seem to have seen this film many times before...pointing to emergency...their are cop cars everywhere??..hope the girl doesn't get a ticket...warm red drippin...

It is amazing that a pig can stand so long on her back legs

the "palinism" of America... no one is safe from the vast, hypnotizing effect that the idiot witch of the north commands over the legion of "stupid and willing"...and lets get this straight ...i hate "dancing with the stars" is the train wreck reality tv has created in america...the whole concept is contrary to my opinion of talent and entertainment...that being said...i have been sucked in this you might ask??? ...well i read in a blog that the "palinites" had joined hands in a huge "short bus" electoral storm to see that sarah's porcine progeny go all the way and win this testament to american is comical if not tearful to watch this poor "piglet" clop around the floor dragging her professional partner around like a tiny pull marveling throws here...that would require herculean strength...nope just clopping...but regardless of her ability or lack thereof...she continues to win...and m...

you can tell its fall...even in florida

there are no leaves to turn...and daylight savings time just means less beach time...but i can always tell when fall arrives by a couple of "Florida only" seasonal sightings...the first is the gradual extension in time that it takes to get anywhere or do anything...because the near dead and Canadians have arrived for their first taste of Florida weather... the second...license plates change and the average speed on the by ways goes down by twenty mph...are they re-experiencing palm trees or what...i can't help but resent these white haired in hand...alert for the sighting of the unadvertised early bird...there is a group that inhabits a condo hotel behind my restaurant...they set up lawn chairs on the parking lot...they blast dean martin from a boom box and get blasted sitting in the sun...sounds great doesn't it.. except they are 300 yards from the they go to the beach ...nope...come here from the great frozen north to sit in a parking ...

its a bright new shiny day

it has been pointed out...and rightfully so...that i take this whole political thing far too seriously...chill, Ive been told...the sun will come up tomorrow...the beaches will still be beautiful...sunsets will still marvel the i will take time away from John Boehner's tears of joy...his out-reached hand of co-operation...i will quell my need to projectile vomit across the room...and i will...lighten up...after all it's just a few short weeks till the beautiful girl and i will be drinking mohitos at Casa Cayo Hueso... watching the sunset show on Mallory...breakfast cubans and coffee con leche at the laundromat on white street...catching up with old friends at the parrot and the schooner...i miss key west...the early morning strolls with my camera...the late night stumbles down duval...watching the tourists...eyes wide to be in this legendary last stop before cuba...i like being a tourist here...but i also love... that after all our trips we have deep


you confuse and befuddle me america...i feel less and less a part of your fabric everyday...i am not the sharpest pencil in the pack...but i try to read...stay current...i watch and read both sides of every i know where our collective problems started...who was responsible...who is/was trying to solve our i watched in numb horror as the returns came in last night...that so many of us voted for the party and policies that we/they are so angry about...this party has done nothing in the last eighteen months but obstruct any and all progress towards helping any of us move forward...they seem fine with the fact that they represent the specials interests of big business and not the american in florida we elected a old school florida politico...wrapped in the flag of exclusion from the very party that he begged to be part didn't seem to matter if you he was under federal... investigation...the twist is now that if the government is investiga...

on elections eve

I feel like i am on a back to the abyss...and there are thousands...millions of little rats pushing me to i talk to people i find that short of the couple of you that read "my diarie"...way too many idiots and lost souls...women and poor people feel the republicans have a better path than this administration...really...the poor...when if ever were the poor a consideration of the republican party ...well except in the cutting of in the sunshine state the cuban nazi speaks to the poor huddled masses,,,,spits out the words "stimulus" like it was a bad thing...wants health care they hear that...i wonder...NO HEALTH CARE FOR YOU...forget death panels...die a slow and withering death ignorant to whats is wrong with you...unable to find a physician that will treat you if you are not insured...let the banks fail...obvious that no one listened to their grandparents stories of the "great depression"...well i did...a...