you confuse and befuddle me america...i feel less and less a part of your fabric everyday...i am not the sharpest pencil in the pack...but i try to read...stay current...i watch and read both sides of every i know where our collective problems started...who was responsible...who is/was trying to solve our i watched in numb horror as the returns came in last night...that so many of us voted for the party and policies that we/they are so angry about...this party has done nothing in the last eighteen months but obstruct any and all progress towards helping any of us move forward...they seem fine with the fact that they represent the specials interests of big business and not the american in florida we elected a old school florida politico...wrapped in the flag of exclusion from the very party that he begged to be part didn't seem to matter if you he was under federal... investigation...the twist is now that if the government is investigating you that the evil minons are obstructing your right to be enterprising...felony ...who cares...obvious alliances to big money contributors...okay...the people that elected you...too stupid to be now we have let them...the enemy of all americans right and left...conservative and liberal...back into power...and we did we deserve what health care...die...your house devalued...get an jobs...move to india...oil ruining the beaches...move inland...thats where the real americans the heartland...wait and see people...this gets much worse...cause now the guy that actually gave a shit for powerless...and the people who created the mess...get another chance to line their pockets...and fuck you again...surplus when clinton left office...7 trillion when obama came in...yep you get what you deserve
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