in the purest sense of the world...
so rumsfeld is getting the " defender of the constitution award" at the cpac know the conservative punks acting cunty...rumsfeld ...that bastion of american patriotic fervor responsible for engineering the war for oil and haliburton...harbinger of death for a generation of young americans, iraqis and lest we forget the legion of the willing...a bush crony smart enough to reach the ring of trust with enough still to get out before the war crimes charges were filed in the Hague...anyone else catching the vibe that the "new" conservatives are gonna use public works to erect lynching trees with automated footstools for people of color and Hispanics...this group just keeps grasping at the most reprehensible precepts in modern philosophical dogma...embracing them and putting them on the back of a t-shirt...hang a Muslim...okay with them...52 bullet automatic clip pistols for five year old autistic Hitler neophytes...why sure...lets all hold...