the cost of rhetoric???

the tragedy in arizona is stunning to am i stunned...what causes me to pause you ask...well simply put...that which divides us...continues, without abatement...the nutbags on the right full of fear and hate...are growing little monsters...unfair you say...well lets stand back and look at that in fair light...tree hugging hippes...anti gun loving...racist deploring...liberals are not raising anti Semitic, racist separatists...they are raising little liberals full of love for their fellow american...even when the cost of that love is to watch our nation careen downward toward ruination...i find it really interesting but entirely un-compelling to hear the right ask that we all meet in the middle...there is no middle... there is only far right and way far right in this country... Representative Giffords was "targeted" by the be eliminated...removed for her views...for being a liberal...i can't help but wonder after the last couple years of lies and disinformation... supported and supplied by the right that some fucking crazy ass took it upon himself to shoot the poor Representative and finish the job...I was a democrat...a liberal...i have shed my party for its inability to defend the views of america that i hold dear...for not standing up to the conservative bully at the my america we all have rights...regardless of who we worship...sleep with...or what country our parents came from...the saddest part of this immense tragedy is that the talking heads that fueled this hatred...are just taking a paycheck from the large corporations...whose sole agenda...whose only purpose is to make more fucking don't ask me to move to your center...pull your head out of your ass and work your way the left...and mine...but hey don't worry just because i despise you and all that you stand for...i won't shoot you in the head


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