i am resolute...

on a normal new years day...i would resolve...to lose weight...get to the gym...read more...finish that chest of drawers in the shop...and i would half heartedly try...and then around february first...forget about it...this year brings a host of resolutions...sure my fat ass still needs to find a gym...and i can always read more...but this year i will learn to write...with my right hand...again...and i will teach myself how to use one of my beloved knives...to cut lettuce or bread...maybe even trim a tender...down the road...and if i can do that...then maybe we'll work on the ignition key to my truck...or drawing a cartoon...painting a watercolor...i know i can do all these things with my left hand...but you see my left hand is now my strength..i lift with it...hold with it...it is my strong back...in 2011 i will coach the hurting club that hangs where my right hand used to be...to be useful...to rejoin the team...it will be a year of...well being



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