
Showing posts from 2012

a day to speak the not so obvious

Its been a month..a month since this nation re-elected a black man with a Muslim sounding name to a second term as president...a daunting task indeed, seeing that the election campaign against him started on November 8th 2008...This poor bastard endured lies, misrepresentations and an assault by the troglodyte right so misguided and disorganized as to resemble a wagon train with the horses tied muzzle to tail...walking in endless circles...but that being stated..its over...Obama won..except in Florida...they are still counting...what else is new... and i was struck by the massively obvious statement made by the 2012 electoral statistics...we are no longer white world...America is now controlled at least at the polls by non white males...Mr.Romney won 6 out of ten white male voters...think on that a moment...and then he lost the election...that is startling for a couple of reasons..firstly...its the first time in history that a single candidate won white male voters in such a lopsided...

for a logical man, its all black and white

Its palpable...its visceral...its not all that hard to is hatred...if you take the facts...not the misogynistic claims of the nutbag conservatives...Obama has done a yeoman's job...I won't rehash it...and today I am not preaching to the troglodytes that espouse the worth and merit of a total A hole like today I am offering my take to those of you who read this, and like me, see that the road to our demise lies in the practices and policies of yet another republican administration...deficits are created by republicans...the facts are the facts...the bush administration created a problem so huge that the solution might be generational...not a single term worthy...but to the I read a report on global post that spoke about an Muslim radical that called for the kidnapping of westerners in exchange for jihadists in captivity...i went to the thread to add a comment my naive surprise the entire thread was an Obama hate stream...and th...

the ultimate mormon treasure hunter

I have played with this topic..cause I not entirely comfortable taking shots at what a person believes...honestly... I believe it's personal, and should be on the one hand, absolutely a non issue in a presidential election...But then came Mitt...Mitt of the constantly changing views, and positions on just about anything...nothing is sacred...any possible viewpoint can be mangled and regurgitated into an entirely new view...depending on the polls...but not his religion...a religion based on the proficiencies and visions of a slightly demented treasure hunter from Western New York...look I don't care about the magic underwear...strange as it is...or the fact that they believe that if they live the good Mormon existence they get to go the star or planet Kolob..which is just to the right of where god lives...all religions have that vague" this is what happens when you die" support system...they all have funny particularities about garment use or restriction...all contai...

so lets be clear!!!

i know, i know...another rant about mitt and ryan...the antichrists in control of the house and senate...but riddle me their chant, their knock, their screaming crescendo of high pitched tweaking hasn't created enough...dropped the ball...well remember the jobs act he proposed...the one that would be funded by a tax on billionaires...not hundredaires or thousandaires or even millionnaires... but billionaires...people with so much money that if you stacked it on their chest...the sheer efficacy  would crush them like tiny beetles under foot!...not an entirely un attractive notion...yet they blocked that bill...keep the billionaires happy...big oil wants to drill in the artic national park...go ahead...doesn't matter that the oil will go to china...the largest consumer nation on the a pipeline from Canada thru the midwest.s largest fresh water reserves...go ahead...make a buck...enact a law prohibiting laws to pro...

the biggest and bestest!!

so I got a new gig...a small-ish restaurant out on the beach..kinda below my pay grade...but its work, and in this economy ...the one handed chef needs to with new job comes new hours...and by this I mean some day work...the go to bed early, be in the restaurant by half past eight early...I get slightly nauseous just thinking about it...but I  am meandering...home by six ..I get to catch the local the commercial break  it starts...five unrelenting minutes of right wing bashing...anti Obama, anti bill nelson, anti anything that smells what struck me, what made me wait for the next break...was.. where was the response...where where were Obama ads...pointing out the differences...the obvious choice we have to make in the very near future...well folks they were missing...and you know why??..its because there is no longer any governor on what private interest can do to buy an election...we are witnessing the dismantlement of our government in front...

but how do we ???

I grew up with a guy...since we were very young...we have seen tragedies together, laughed and seen a great deal of joy along side each other...I have buried his mom and watched his kids be born...we got to be middle aged at the same time..he is rich or at least I think he is...he has all the trappings of wealth...poor people like me tend to think anyone with anything is wealthy by comparison...but here is the rub McDuff...we have so many, art, food ...I am a liberal and then a democrat...he is a liberal/conservative republican...the liberal part is easier than you would think to reconcile...we both favor women's rights..racial equality, immigration fairness and gay rights...but I would never, ever vote republican and he would never ever vote democratic...we both understand the fruitlessness of a third party in a national election...i always found  Ralph Nader  more than annoying, sniggling votes away from my candidate...and he thinks Ron Paul is a well meaning...

the repubilicans and a tropical storm

Sometimes on tuesday nights the beautiful girl and I head out to the beach...see whats going on...check out Sean's bar...go see Loretta...say good bye to an old friend, bound for new adventures, Kimmy...and so it was last night...we ventured north through what is normally quiet beachside towns...but I had a sense of curiosity...what with the RNC in town...would I be deluged with tea-party idiots...drunk, dancing and espousing their jingoist rhetoric...would I have to indulge anti Obama shots along with my Grand Marnier...but a very funny, very telling thing happened as I journeyed down our beaches...there was no-one more republicans on our beach than normal...we have million dollar homes, you is the habitat for their species...but the bars weren't packed with Romney revilers...they hadn't come...talked to a sales manager at our lowes W property...the Don Caesar...30% occupancy..come to find out they had booked 1600 room nights for the Rnc and were using...
Has it been three and half years already???  It seems that the last eleven  and a half  years have been like a horrible car wreck played at super slow speed.  The years of the Bush destruction of America and the middle class, followed by the rise of the tea party or as I like to call them the"unintelligencia".  The election of a man of vision, and his reactions to the bank, auto, credit and housing depression.  The election of the historically unqualified house and senate.  The elimination of the barrior between large corporations and our electorial process, by our countrys supreme court.  Three years of obstructionist rehetoric, destructive voting practises and the singularly worst bipartisan warfare since the civil war.  We stand at the precipise of or own demise.  We can continue to allow the least of us, those who represent all the riches created in our american dream, to amass fortunes, at our expense.  We need to face t...

welcome back

Image another fantastic trip to our tiny Mayan island in the sun...flying as any of you who do it is basically southwest  and the rest...i know, i know the poor airline companies barely make a profit...they are going broke allowing  us to fly for below cost...I'm calling bullshit on that...just like their is a reason gas prices fluctuate with intestinal pressure of some sheik watching re-runs of "I dream of Genie"...but i digress...this ones is for passport control in the good ole US of we return to Ft Lauderdale International airport, which is like calling a 7 eleven, a walmart...anyway so we are herded into a large hall...after deplaning with the thousand or so people who came in on the three planes that arrived simultaneously... it's taking a really long hour passes and finally i get to front of the line and realize what is taking so fucking long...citizens with blue US passports...lots of them...cannot read or understand the English ...

and all at once a feeling of saturnine sadness

I just noticed that i haven't written in the blog for has been hard...harder than normal...growing another restaurant through the changes and growth and raising up a staff ...dealing with the resulting changes brought on by a table saw...i have a literal new grip on life...i woke up not too too long ago 40 pounds heavier and probably the unhealthiest I have been in my adult life... so ...politics and all the very important triviality that surrounds it has fallen under my radar..i am starting to read again...trying to find a foothold in the slippery slope that is a two party system...i am at best disappointed in my party and my president...yet i know that the other side is bought and paid for by folks who could give a shit if i lived or was run over by a mob of disaffected water i changed my diet...started swimming again...lost those forty pounds and working very hard to grab about twenty more...go to the gym...which in its social atmosph...

whoa big fella!!!

so its been a coupla months...and as i was telling the sage, albeit slightly unhinged...sandy taint...i haven't been feeling my visceral contempt for all things republican...and so my ranting has be quieted...maybe its because i have over the last 3 years built up a sizable hatred for my own party...their complete disorganization, passive and generally inept "barney fief(sp?)" way of handling the other side of the aisle has left me i hold no faith in the next set of fellow americans have chosen a group of...dare i say say the mid term elections... never in our country's vast and colorful history have a group of such absolutely and completely, unqualified rejects, unconnected to mainstream thought, held sway over  our nation and its future... the republican party is...unfathomable...anyone...i take that back...anything, that even smells centrist could beat our president in re-election...and i hate to say it... i held suc...