Has it been three and half years already??? It seems that the last eleven and a half years have been like a horrible car wreck played at super slow speed. The years of the Bush destruction of America and the middle class, followed by the rise of the tea party or as I like to call them the"unintelligencia". The election of a man of vision, and his reactions to the bank, auto, credit and housing depression. The election of the historically unqualified house and senate. The elimination of the barrior between large corporations and our electorial process, by our countrys supreme court. Three years of obstructionist rehetoric, destructive voting practises and the singularly worst bipartisan warfare since the civil war. We stand at the precipise of or own demise. We can continue to allow the least of us, those who represent all the riches created in our american dream, to amass fortunes, at our expense. We need to face the fact the banks needed to bailed out, the auto industry could not have been left to close. The rising cost of an unchecked baby boomer generation entering our health system with 7 out of ten with them, uninsured and medicare dependant, will ruin us. For a brief moment three years ago the world looked at us with different eyes. They saw a glimmer of hope in the worlds leading super power, by electing a man of color with a vision of an america where we all contribute to the advancement of this great nation. The GOP answered for their offenses to this country by backing a man that they threw aside just four years ago. They called him a turncoat, a wishwashy, flip flopper and a priviledged putz. Now he is their savior, and he answers america needs with a man who wants to privitize social security, by reducing benefits to the first generation that has paid into the system their entire working lives. Its like watching a horror movie and knowing you can't go in the basement...Well my friends it time for passive and peaceful to rise up...To tell the racists, sexists, obstructionists, the haters of our diversity to fuck off...If you don't like our america...then well you can't leave because no one wants you!!!
like a kick in the chest...the wood shot out...kicked out of my tablesaw...i checked to see if i ripped my shirt...and then...was my hand attached to the wood???shit...blood...peeking at the remnants off my hand...okay be cool...grab that rag ...okay ...hospital...but the door to the house is closed...reaching for the knob...with..well not that hand...okay ...tuck the warm, red rag under my arm...squeeze tight...in the house...the beautiful girl asleep...closed last night...try not to scare the shit out of her...honey...honey...HONEY!!!...okay...the whole not freaking out thing impossible...hospital...where???okay down the road...ten blocks...on 5th or ninth...cindy screeching around corners...crying and glancing over at the warm, wet, dripping rag...my ashen face...in the one way entrance to the hospital...passing people who seem to have seen this film many times before...pointing to emergency...their are cop cars everywhere??..hope the girl doesn't get a ticket...warm red drippin...
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