my thoughts on corkage!!!

okay so the not so new kid on the block... is bringin your own wine to a restaurant...I suppose its a way to reign in the cost of a night know... run out to the grocery store...pick up whatever is on viola...a cheap alternative...what the fuck...okay so lets leave out...the ridiculous..." i'll pay you $10, 15, even 20 bucks to open my cheap buy from "the wine store"...that practice seems so predatory to me to be outright...inhospitable...but let me try to explain it to y'all...i have wines on my list that are 15 years old... most of you probably don't know that a supplier doesn't carry 15 year old wine...i bought that wine sometimes 17 years ago( if i bought vintage futures)...and then i have coddled that wine, air conditioned that wine... dusted and denied that wine any sunlight for 15 years...i can't turn my air off when i am on vacation or at night or on days off...the restaurant is kept at 59 degrees year round for that wine...and then i wait...and i wait...for you to come in and... firstly recognize the fact that i have this wine... and then plunk down the money for the bottle...
most restaurants markup the bottle 100% and a buck...don't ask me why the buck...i have no fuckin if i have a $9 dollar wine it will cost you $19 dollars...but why would you pay me that much???...well causse!!!... in almost all cases you ain't finding my wines ...even the cheap ones at a store or shop... i buy ones that are not featured at that level...they come from boutique or small producer...wines... that i have tasted and enjoyed for their value as well as their business relies on me selling you that cost is so high i can't ever charge you what i need to charge you...cause shit just costs too much...and good shit ...a whole lot more!!!so you aren't gonna pay me what i need for your filet, dover sole or fresh cobia...
but i have stammered on long enough...i have another way for you to look at this so you don't view we restaurateurs... as vermin...go to your favorite watering hole ...and get a drink...say an absolute and tonic...plop down your $5 bucks and realize...that bar owner bought that bottle for $22 bucks and he's gonna get 20 shots or so outta that bottle ...more if its a you bitch about thats okay...thats what things here's a tip from the wouldn't bring a six pack to a nice restaurant... forget saving a couple of bucks...try a wine you can afford...stop looking like a putz...and if you can't afford that... then forget going out...thats why god invented the tv tray...


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