sometimes i just hate this place...

elections are upon in florida...literally the stupidest place on earth...the scum are motivated...they want change...what kind of change...i don't know you tell me...i mean really TELL them...cause the huddled masses here in the sunshine state...don't have a brain between them...we have two mega rich scumbags trying to buy public office from each party...neither has a lick of experience in government...they have outspent the "career politicians" by millions of bucks...i love the this new disenfranchised voter group...they want the old guard out...hey so do i...but i don't want them replaced by the new foxenfrancised un informed conservatives...these are not your dads conservatives,,,these are the haters...they hate...blacks, latinos, gays, europeans, muslims, the poor, i actually heard a guy say lets drug test all the welfare recipients...cause if they are taking our money ...i wanna know if they on drugggs...they poor, they ain't white...they must be on drugs... love it..."close the borders...keep them damn mexicans from taking our jobs...seriously do you think a guy who owns a lawn care company wouldn't rather have men who spoke his language working for him...but we are too good to work for $10 an hour...
"my opponent took Obama stimulus money"...he supported bailing out the banks...look everyone knows the financial business is rife with assholes and dickheads...but bank collapse...seriously...can you imagine what would have happened if the pres hadn't supported the "stringless" bush money...if he hadn't stepped in...remmeber these are the rich we are talking about.. they don't care if you lost your ira or your 401k...they laughed at the hypercritical senators.... pretending ire ..
the new idiots believe that they will someday inherit the keys to the kingdom...they wanna drill, they wanna kill, they want more guns and less laws that restrict their personal liberty...i truly wonder where my country went...when i travel i used to be embarrassed to be american...but nobody really hates us anymore...they just laugh at us...we are a fuckin mess... how is it that people a world away can see, what we as a nation can't quite get...we have a bright, intelligent, insightful president...who has a vision for all of us...not just the 1% who have all the home the state of Missouri...71% of the show me state...voted to not except the national healthcare plan...45% of these people have no insurance...and another 20% are under insured... but they say no...kinda like pushing the life preserver away when your drowning...why because sarah palin and glen beck have replaced jimmy carter and walter crockite as the seers of our future...they just make shit basis in fact... just what the haters want to hear...and here in florida...well we have a legislature so corrupt that any action to curb the overt simply dismissed... even the appearance of propriety is tossed aside..." i work for bp...why would i vote for an oil drilling ban supported by 75% of floridians"... truth is may not like it...but it stands alone in its carlin said" there is a club in this country...and you and I ain't in it...


  1. BTW, The Red Elvies are fantastic live...

  2. Thanks for this, Keith, such a relief to see another Floridian speak out against the incredibly frightening guys running for office here. There is so little being said about it! Scott pisses me off the most - how he is running on the platform of being against our President, how he shows photos of other candidates with Obama as if that's a terrible thing. The thought of having to watch his googly-eyed smirking face for any longer than this election makes me want to gag. But that's what big bucks can do - face recognition so the uninformed can think they know a candidate's character. Scary. Glad to read that you're speaking out on all o' this!


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