confused, cynical and hating

My boss, a great guy, is an eternal if you met him or had business dealings with him...that fact might elude you...but he is, at least politically... He believes in the inherent goodness and intelligence of the American people...His premise is that there is a "silent majority" of level headed people out there...these people understand why the healthcare reform has to be accomplished...and in the end will surprise us all by keeping the democratic control of both houses and in so doing keep the country going in a way that doesn't just benefit the and Santa Klaus and the tooth fairy are gonna help...
Now me...I see no goodness...I see only a nation, whether conservative or liberal, democrat or idiot...opps i mean republican...that cares about anyone but themselves...If I hear one more politician say we can't afford to insure every american while taking tax payer funded healthcare ...I will scream...I hear people I know use the justification that it will affect or increase my rates to insure you...or that we, the uninsured have made a decision to be uninsured...I try to tell people that the uninsured will and already do affect your rates by making everyone pay for their care...The difference might be that the companies that drive the rates might actually have to lose a penny of profit to do so...Healthcare for profit only exists in our country...everywhere else in the civilized world its about care...
I am fifty three with no healthcare...I work for a small restaurant that can't offer me that benefit...most of the restaurants that I have run...can't afford to offer that bene...My list of pre-existings reads like a medical journal...and the last time I checked on rates I could drive a really nice BMW for the monthly prescriptions cost more a month than my you tell me...who's paying that bill when I can't drag a pan around a stove anymore??? we are...all of us...and there are thirty million more just like me...


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