the pitfall of p.c.

So I am listening to the box and hear the story about Rham Emanuel referring to some politicos as "retards".. And then the head of this weeks "retard" brigade Sarah "what the fuck" call for his immediate resignation for denigrating all people with developmental disabilities. What a fucking "retarded" thing to say. Yet proving once again that this vapid glamor hog has nothing credible to offering in any intelligent conversation. No one was calling anyone with any disability any names. He was calling college educated legislators "retards". He could have used imbecile, fool, dolt, moron, pinhead or twit. But to his never ending mugient pain, he did not. His words had the same meaning and he could spared us all another 10 minutes of "palinism" for the tea party" retards" to latch on to. We all know who we are referring to when the word "retard" is used and its never the most special person in the room. Give me a break and somebody find the naked porno of this "twit" so she will go away.


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