the non simplicity of it all...
so bin laden is dead...found in the honeymoon capital of in a million dollar compound, with his youngest wife, child and a slew of bodyguards and first... killing Hitler...a giant exhale...and then the media...people parading in the streets...and i get that many of us affected by one mans singular hatred of a people and a way of many innocent lives in Iraq...because lest we forget...Iraq was the brunt of our anger...and thousands of American and Iraqi lives were forfeit to a war based on finding the man and punishing a regime... most likely never involved with bin laden's cousin the nursing student put up a post by Martin Luther King...along the lines of "i will not rejoice in the death of my enemy...because he too is a human being"...and i admit to being proud of her politics...i only wish i was that resolute in my convictions...bin laden is dead and i am glad of it...i just wish it didn't make me feel so good
Enjoy if for a day or two..... WTF!!