so much for recovery

so this whole thing is spinning...i mean our world...our part of the easy to get metaphysical about read it like you read the paper...with a detached feeling of separation...the upward spiraling debt...vanishing jobs...unavailable credit...part of our country having lost their collective minds...  willing to follow ass clowns like Bachman and Perry and Palin into the great void...but when it touches you it can be illuminating...frightening clear...7 years ago the girls bought a cottage for 150k   and today we received the tax bill...58k ...we are paying half the taxes we paid 7 years ago ...which on the surface is good...but then think about the education budget...the infrastructure budget ...and realize that we are crashing...we lost another 20% of value...this recovery...logic says pack up the uhaul and the dog...take a mortgage payment and hire a lawyer and blow this pop corn stand...but this was their dream... this little cottage...yet ...they can never sell it...they can't leave it and its incredible debt to "the Kid" is what is happening to America...the death of the middle class...and the 6 empty...abandoned houses on my block are the testament to that death...what happened here...and who really cares who is to blame...i don't...i was just hoping my three favorite girls would get  a little of the American dream


  1. There was a time that home ownership was equated with the American Dream. It was a ticket to the middle-class for millions of immigrants and laborers who dreamed of a better life for their children. It was security, a ship to cling to through troubling times. Then after decades of prosperity, real or imagined, we as a country forgot the lessons of the Great Depression. We ignored the lessons we should have learned from the saving and loan crisis. Our home became a financial tool used to reset credit card debt or finance vacations. It all worked fine until it didn't. Now we are all in a hole waiting for it to fill with water so we can climb out, but I am afraid we will all be treading water for a long time to come my friend. Too bad the little (R)'s and (D)'s are both in the pocket of corporate reelection machines because they have misspent the over-taxation of the real estate bubble on a system of patronage and cronyism contracts. Now your girls and mine are going to be paying the bill. I hate Allan Greenspan.


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