"talk about cooking!!!"

It has been brought to my limited attention that I...rarely if ever talk about cooking on this blog...I guess the title is a little misleading...but i am a chef...or at least work at that capacity...and i don't know why i would rather bitch politic than share whimsical stories about the biz...or share recipes...maybe cause i do it every day...cook that is...don't get me wrong it is quite a pleasurable pre-occupation...if you like heat...my line runs between 110 and 140 these days...and cramped quarters...i work in a galley kitchen...basically a cooking and plating area of about 8x8...i basically spin from the stove to the line and back...rarely moving more than a foot at a time...the management of this particular posting is about waste and profit...i have no labor to speak of...so i watch numbers...right now we are sitting on pins waiting for the food purveyors to figure out how to drive prices of fish and seafood up due to the gulf disaster...the problem is less than 5 % of the country's collective fish are brought from gulf waters...but have no fear...the prices are screaming up already...lump crab is up 30% and not a single blue crab is harvested in or near the us...i have been buying sustainable seafood for about 5 years...most is aqua farmed in Asia...the quality is great and the product is consistent...i was worried that the Tsunami would effect my fish but it never missed a beat...but i was just informed that my fish prices could see a 25% increase this summer...due to the disaster...what the fuck!!! my crab brand... Phillips yes that Maryland Phillips...is being harvested in Vietnam and Indonesia...my shrimp... Indonesia...redfish... Vietnam...hell the only fish i get aqua farmed in the us is salmon...as if the economy was enough of a enemy...we have the rampant greed that is so inbred into our capitalist culture...even my sweet kitchen is affected...and you wonder why i only talk politics...


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