So is it the end of I over reacting to the apparent insanity that surrounds us all??.,.  I have friends, dogged Bernie supporters, who have rabidly attached them selves to the beauty and flawed attempt of the Vermont senators bid to lead us to the holy land of good sense and political reformation.  they see no difference between a Hillary presidency and a drumpf duck dynasty...But I do...and it is illuminating the decent of our nation in the pathos of the video millennium...Yet I sorta get the whole outsider thing..."He's not one of them"...
i hear that alot and I relate totally to the frustration of a electorate so disconnected from those they elect, that they need, nay want a radical change in their government...but lets get this straight... this isn't Jimmy Stewart's, "Mr. Smith goes to Washington" underdog sent to battle the evils of Washington with virtue and honesty... this is Donald Trump..a philandering billionaire, whose shortcuts to success are built on the bodies of the business partners and over reaching people drawn to the zap light of his aura... they have all found themselves lying desiccated in the trap pan of  a Trump history...
Please don't get me wrong ...
 I gawk at a train wreck just like the next guy... and I have watched with an uncomfortable glee the references to his dick and his encouragement to punch out protesters. I stand slack jacked at his relegation of entire race and country of people to rapists and drug dealers...I too want to build a wall, but mine might be around Washington...I indulge my guilty pleasure in his pandering to the fear and hatred of those swarthy, brown skinned, Bedouins each and every one, hell bent on blowing everyone up...I like that he uses small words, repeatedly in a very loud and vociferous form to reach out to his constituency, grasp their attention and fire them up... sorta a lynch mob of the stupid,  He has set out to change the world one two syllable word at a time...very, very admirable for a man that no one could possible love...i mean anyone that cared about the guy would tell him,
"dude whats with the hair?" it is ridiculous...
And then I wake the fuck up
 and realize, that this man, could hold  nuclear launch codes in his tiny hands..he might have to sit in meeting where his voice would determine the lives of the entire planet...He has never done a single thing, not one act...spurred out of anything but a need for more money and power.  I am not naive, I know that all people that run for the office of POTUS are highly driven, well heeled and connected politicians.  It is the nature of the beast.  I hate our government as much as any frothy mouthed right wing zealot, wearing their "make America Safe Again" Tshirt.  But I am old and my time on this planet is headed into its sunset...sure I can still effect change in some way, but the scales of what I and my generation have done to this country, this world is in the books.  I have consumed our ever depleting resources, driven my share of gas guzzlers and recycled nothing until just a few short years ago.  Its my nieces world that concerns me, and their children's children...Its trite to use that analogy.  But really do any of us want to live in the world Donald sees as our collective "America".  It is not a world where any of you that could read this matter.  It is a world where the rich continue to suck every ounce of life and value out of us.  The difference between the Donald and the Koch brothers is Donald wants to pull back the curtain and show you just how little your life, and the lives of your friends and family matter...He's all about honesty and disclosure... and the collective "we" are lapping up the hatred and exclusion that he spouts with vigor...He is the snake oil  busker selling turpentine to cure your headaches, after you are done throwing up blood, you don't feel so bad...cause your dead!!!

and...before you start assailing me with  "what about Hillary"  tirades..liar, criminal, cockhold bitch...remember that comparing these two individuals and there vision for the future is like comparing Obama to Putin... they both lead a country but which country do you want to live in...


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