drill baby drill!

those famous words... muttered by the newest village idiot...who lives in a state still decimated by the Valdez spill...who probably never really recognized the significance of the disaster...wants to share the wealth...well I live in a very beautiful place...a place that I chose to live for it's natural beauty...i also read...which is more than i can say for those people who think that drilling any further in the gulf of mexico would increase our independence on foreign oil...like I have read that all the oil in the gulf would extend our oil for less than ten years...or that the oil pumped would be added to the pool of crude and sold to the highest bidder...china...so now... we have the ecological disaster off the coast of Louisiana...where there are something like 717 wells...each capable of the self same destruction... right now...and remember the oil company people telling us that the disaster that happened off the Australian coast could not happen here because of the advances in technology ...some advances...the newest bright idea is to basically put a giant bucket over the top of the well head and pump the oil into a container..and pump it 5000 feet to the surface...when will we realize that these idiots don't give one kernal of a shit about our eco-system...this mess could very easily travel down the west coast of Florida, through the keys and up the east coast...destroying where I live and play...some of the most beautiful beaches and waterways in our country...if you haven't experienced my florida you need to before we let these fucking goons destroy something that can never be replaced...i'll pay more for my gas just leave our water alone


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