be cautious when selecting tea!!!

By now most of you have read about the once republican governor, now " non party affiliated" candidate for senator of the sunshine state...chucky christ...bizarre is the only way to describe his ascension ( possible vp select for McCain) to his toss into the trash bin here in florida...the repubs, doing their best impersonation of headless chickens have tossed their weight behind an unknown, ethically questionable, nobody from Miami...Maaarcco this guys slithers like a like a siding salesman with a bad product...he could never debate because, wisely, his handlers only let him speak on talking points...obama ruined this, obama ruined that...when asked what he thought about the rise in jobs...he responded...thats great but obama is responsible for everything from climate change to to the bad fashion of clam charlie was vapid, unenvolved and wishwashy...the new guy is corrupt, purchased by the big lobbies here in floreeda...oil, insurance and healthcare...but they are touting him out like he and jesus were buddies...what makes this even more bezarro is that a relative unknown who was indicted for double charging medicare while the ceo of his Welcare system...the other candidate is also republican and was one of the bankers whose bonuses created such ire...where the fuck do i live...don't get me wrong, my party is full of the same corrupt idiots...but does anyone ...can anyone take a party serious with sarah "douhh" palin, Rush pillbag Limbagh, fox news and these idiots runnin their show...sometimes i think it's just a joke...they'll issue a collective smile and say..."gotcha"


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