I call bullshit...
Alright...call me maladjusted but I really don't get the whole dancin with the stars thing...i have to admit to a certain licentious interest in watching Pam Anderson jiggle or Kate Gosslin slither around a stage...semi clad.. I know....its like driving by a car wreck...you know a good person wouldn't look for the blood under the blankets...but......get a fuckin life people.... there are books...check your kindle
And another thing...the liberal media??? any time I hear that, I know I'm about to get an earful of someone who hasn't read anything in print but a flyer at a right to life rally...Its called news...it happens daily...and just because someone writes a story about global warming or gun control or calls Sarah Palin retarded...yes I said it...that doesn't make them liberal or atheist...it makes them ...a reader...pry your eyes away from fox long enough to let your iq raise 5%...and join the rest of the civilized world...we're waiting...
Finally...the Yankmees ...or more pointedly the Yankee fans...you meet them from all over...i don't get why anyone would root for these guys... even if I lived in New York...jealous you say...nahh... just sick of meeting some guy from bumfuck Missouri raving about his Yankees... pick another team...maybe one that doesn't pay a single player more than a small market team pays its entire payroll... seriously how can you root for Arod......i hate Boston too...but that just because there are so many transplanted Massholes...who moved away when they were two years old and still have that ridiculous accent...I know brits that lose theirs quicker...
So on all of the above... the absurdly irritating... BULLSHIT
Massholes? You can do better than that......second.. where are you meeting these people...35 years in Massaholechusetts and only after a few too many drinks does CAAHHH or PAAHHK come out of my mouth and usually only when I am back in Boston...I think they are imposter Massholes.....this Masshole sending you some love!