where to go???

time to beat feet...blow this popcorn stand...6 day work shifts approaching like the black clouds of the oncoming storm...5 weeks till no life...so where do we run to...the beautiful girl and i...is it "nawlins...for some abita and beignets...back to philly for a huge dose of family and friends...mexico again...nah probably not...or the old stand by...the keys...i just hate that drive...three hours of nothing from naples to homestead....beautiful girl keeps trying to convince me to stay in islamorada more than overnight...says its fun and that i am missing the small town appeal...maybe so...always on my way to key west...to the parrot and the schooner...cuban breakfast...mojitos...lunch at pepi's...or maybe something new...tried southbeach...missed the point...too urban...too tryin to be cool...maybe its just that the fakeness swallows up the scene...love the hotels...drinks at the delano...or lauderdale...beautiful water and great beaches...downtown has a cool ass food scene...coco..always nice...great little french restaurant on a1a...talked about the pan handle...but ...seven hours in the truck...ewwww...thats what i love about florida...and hate about it at the same time...seven hours to everything...but nothing in the middle...


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