hey the oil is gone!!!

just saw it on the tube...oil has miraculously vanished...skimmers are being withdrawn... bp has already stopped paying claims in florida...not so bad...a lot of chicken littles...bp execs already trying for the prize... "there's alot of oil down there...we're gonna hafta look into getting it...in the not too distant future...a government talking head saying..."after all the gulf is a huge body of water...never underestimate natures ability to heal it self"...
are you fucking kidding me...an oil spill visible from space...an oil spill the size of three eastern states...millions apon millions of gallons of crude pumpted 24/7 for three months...are we that fuckin stupid...do they really think we will buy that load of bullshit...what about the destroyed wetlands...the gooey shallow sea bottom...the infected Sargasso sea...the billions of organisms now carrying petroleum or dispersant in their cells...they...the oil industry...our legislators are hoping to get that money train goin again..but hey... do you want shrimp or oysters or grouper caught in the gulf...not me...i feel for the fisherman and shrimpers...but the ecology of the gulf...unknown shite...ASSUMING the talking head is right...every creature has ingested all this poison and is ready to give us a wonderful genetic return on those big oil investments...okay i am reasonable...they can re-open deepwater horizon when...hmmm, lets see...okay i got it when they hang the bp and halliburton board of directors as well as any senator or congressman that voted for the deregulation of drilling platforms...in the city square of every gulf community decimated by this blight...and only after their performance bonuses are distributed to the working poor in these states...sounds sorta Bolshevik...doesn't it...well the midevil rules seem to be needed these days...maybe even old west...hang the horse thieves outside of town...then everyone knows what we do to you... when you fuck us...


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