losing my sense of humor
so i find that i am not so funny anymore...i think i might be a more angry human than i was with gdub, big dick and the whole crowd...i was angry when they stole the election in 2000...really pissy when they stared a war against a country that had nothing to do with September 11...absolutely beside myself when they sold the country to their buddies for the lowest bid...but these last two years...the actions of the republicans and now the new far right of sanity republican/conservative/haters of everyone that isn't white and illiterate...is testing me... Scott and rubio...two very different versions of slithering snakes...born under the sign of do whatever to regain control...are hinged to take over a state already precipitously close to demise...big business needs to wrench the last drops out of the people and natural resources of Florida... Scott is a thief...plain and simple...a white collar criminal with great lawyering...contrary to a very nice lawyer who tried with absolutely no success to sway me to the innocence of using the fifth...in self incrimination...being self explanatory..to me.."no i will not answer the question...if i stole by billing billions of dollars from Medicare...ie: taxpaying citizens, BECAUSE IF I SAY ANYTHING YOU MIGHT FIND ME GUILTY"...and he says the same thing to every question... Obama is wrong...liberals are wrong..healthcare is wrong...welfare is wrong... immigration isn't keeping out the riff raff...we are in a deficit but lets cut taxes...trickle down economics works...at least in my neighborhood"...and Rubio...the next senator is UNDER FEDERAL INVESTIGATION for income tax fraud...uses his credit card paid for by his fellow republicans...to fix the mini van and go on spa vacations...which there is nothing wrong with...i encourage all republicans to use party money for fun and excitement..but you better report it as income...or you might need Scott's attorneys to update you on the polite conservative way to use the fifth...he wants to privatize social security...which is sorta like asking your neighborhood pedophile to wash behind all the little kids ears...naked...and in the dark...so i ain't laughing alot...oh sure i get the occasional chuckle out of the importance of Sarah Palin or how shock jock turned messiah glen beck has any relevant answer to our nations current situation...i giggle when i think of Rush...quietly snorting up oxi's in the dark of his studio...but i really laugh...a grab my fucking sides...i dribble in my pants... when i sit back and realize ...that at this pace...the new republicans will actually get control of this country again...lets see 8 years 7 trillion dollar deficit...2 years ...oh what the hell...lets just do what all my neighbors are doing...pack up our shit and walk away...oh yeah...to where???
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