elections a week away
bombasted...is that a word...i think we should all take a moment and thank the supreme court for opening the flood gates to the self serving groups that have bought every single second of airtime...there is no truth and i fear that most of us get lost in all the lies...here in florida we have "marco the scum"...preaching and whining about the deficit...now i agree that the deficit is huge and growing...but i have a fucking brain...i know when and where this current deficit originated...but no seems to care about that...so this brain surgeon and i say that with all respect to actual brain surgeons...wants to continue the bush tax breaks... that add more than 700 billion to the pile...look i know i appreciated the extra bucks come tax time...but i also know we can't afford to cut anyones taxes in this economy...so i am willing to forgo mine and believe me...i need mine more than the top 2 percent of the rich fucks need theirs...but thats the problem...even the president...has to suck ass to the whining self indulged...i wish he could just tell it like it is... to survive the next century this country needs universal health care...that we all realized that the health care bill wasn't as much about care as getting a handle on the cost of health for all of us...and i know i have preached this to you in the past...but...emergency rooms are not primary care centers...but right now ...with unemployment hovering around 10%...there are way too few of us without any other place to turn...i have friends working as rns that tell me that the waiting room in e.r.'s are full of people that need to see a doctor...but know they have no options...if you go to your doc...and he asks for tests and you have no insurance...the process halts...no one performs testing on a pay as you go plan...so "marco the scum" and his legions of tea party idiots want to spend tax dollars suing the federal government on the unconstitutionality of the health care program...but the problem is... marco...everything this guy does is to move up the food chain...to get to the point where he matters to the rich and affluent...he started years ago making 50 k as a lawyer in south florida...now he owns a couple of 1/2 million dollar homes ... one of which he got re-appraised a couple of weeks after he bought it for a couple of hundred thousand more...which he immediately takes out in home equity...ohh and the the guy who okayed the loan...you guessed it a campaign supporter... the point is his allegiences are obvious and not a single one is for the people of this state...unless you count the largest of corporations or the richest of individuals...the people..its who you know and who you blow...there is no common sense in any of it...and what i fear most is that we democrats...who until last election were the laziest party known to man...won't vote...they will save that for 2 years from now ...when we all have to vote against the beck/palin ticket...to save our lives...i know this a rambling and unfocused rant...but to be honest with the three of you that read this...there is so much wrong with us, my fellow americans...that i fear that we shall perish and wither away...but vote...we really need to save this country from "marco the scum" and his idiot minions...
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