drawing a line in the hair

So as the two of you that read this know, I am a lover of facebook...I know its cool to dismiss it..the food pics, the baby pics...the sharing of ones feelings from one moment to the next..But as I scroll through my daily feed, what I find stunning, absolutely breathtaking...is the secrets
I find out about people,  secrets I never dared guess... I never knew.... Jeff loves trains...Susie is a clog dancer...Bob gave his 8 year a gun for his birthday...and many, many people think donald trump would make a great, not just a good president.   Now that is a jaw dropper.  I try to delve into their reasoning...he's a political outsider..he'll shake up the Washington status quo...he'll have the fate of the entire planet in his tiny, tiny, boyish hands...I am amazed that people don't see or remember his stupid tv show.. That he brought dick size to the debate floor...dick size??.that alone is enough for me to dismiss him out of hand..
I hated gdub...still do actually..but he was and is a paragon of virtue in comparison to the buffoon standing on the precipice of the republican nomination.  Do they know he has no platform, well okay none of the GOP candidates actually have expressed any..they fight with each other over who hates, gays, Mexicans, abortion and Obama more...Big hair, that shall be his moniker of the day, pushes back from the podium in 5 thousand dollar suit and swats them away like flies...disagree with me..I'll yell over you, call you stupid and invite my knuckle draggin throng to beat you senseless.  This is the man that has started to creep onto some of my friends pages.  They defend him, they reject Hillary or Bernie.  I want to say I know, I know, a negro and then a woman or a jew.  Its simply unthinkable.  The white house needs a white man, simple.  I went to college, I read stuff.  Sometimes I read stuff that I wholeheartedly disagree with.  I know that Hillary is flawed, and in bed with the banks that almost sent the world in economic collapse...I know that Bernie is so ideologically out of sync with politicians that most of his platform would never, ever get enacted.  But I voted for him anyway. If the republicans had in the 7 and one half years come up with one person, centrist enough to put this train back on the tracks I would have been interested to hear what he, sorry, no woman here, had to say.  But this group of hacks, is all that remains of the grand old party and its pitiful.  I have always had republican friends, conservative friends... We have disagreed over every administration, we have teased and cajoled over each others guys missteps...and we have never agreed over just about anything political..but we remain friends because we love each other, and we accept the stupidity or validity(depending on who said it) of each others opinion.  But...and I have thought long and hard over this one, if you could vote for this expletive, expletive,expletive, well I may be missing your next vacation pic on my news feed...that great food pic from the night out with the wife...that selfie of you being photo bombed by the drunk girl with the incredible underboob....but this news feed is drumpf free...
just sayin


  1. Keith I like what you say. But I feel that a vote for Bernie is a vote for DT. For that reason I voted for Hilary.


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