and now it's gonna kill me!!!
So the purple discus...the thing I was just ranting about ...the insane cost of the thing...$272 bucks...the fda says in a report released yesterday that it may be harmful...or neigh deadly in some users does that passes changes peoples bankrupts self same people...and now people must have died...i mean if 1 person died nobody would have said a some...maybe alot of people must have expired to cause an agency to make a public fucked up is that...I mean i have been trying to afford the damn thing...I travel to mexico once a year just to save a thousand or so bucks...and now it's deadly...shit...I am verklept...besides return to the whole rescue inhaler thing is beyond depressing...just another situation where the pharmaceutical companies are shoving it up are collective arses...I read that the new tactic is to increase the co-pay by like three hundred percent on non generic prescriptions to co...