isla paradise

Baby its cold outside...ohh my friends in Pa are getting it again...nothing by comparison but the weather in florida has sucked this winter...I know, I know, who fuckin cares but I moved here to get away from cold and gray... I survive with the dream...the dream of isla...Isla Mujeres...the water so blue...the sand so white...close your eyes,,,you can hear the bad jimmy Buffet music playin on the mexican boombox...sure its five months away but I can dream can't I...This little joint is stop#1...hotel de Media luna...over looks the wouldn't believe it if I told you...the little picture is Villa La Bella...not so cheap..but its a palapa on a air...just a hammock...a fan...and the sound of the waves crashing around you...Remember its not the guy with the most toys that its the guy or woman that closes their eyes when they are old or the day is just too overwhelming... and can be sitting on that beach...or... on the Seine in Paris...have a lazy day in Tsai Kung...drink Beer with friends in Antwerp...sit by the fire in Royersford...Dream my friends Dream!!!
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