a grumpy chef on "love"day
the hallmark day...thats what they call it...created by an industry to support greeting cards and awful chocolates...when I was a civilian...(not in the restaurant industry)...I kinda liked it...now annoying...lots of couples who haven't been out in a year scrambling for reservations...and because they haven't been out they are more than a little short bus on the whole thing...they show up late... strategically a no-no...special order the kitchen to death...stay too long... tip the staff too little...in general..
...I have some basic rules of restaurant dining that I suggest to anyone when they go out... 1. its a menu...you are not at home... find what you are most interested in and order it...it's not a mix and match affair... give the chef enough credit to try what he or she is offering...after all you were interested enough to make the reservation in the first place...so dont't for example say..."ohh I love pompano but can't you prepare it like you do the lamb"...no we can't... and more importantly.. we don't want to....also everyone you see dining next to you doesn't care about your special needs...they just want to eat and you are holding up the kitchen...and their dinner...2, If you have dietary issues...call ahead and warn the staff so they are prepared for your...no glutton, no refined sugar, allergies to night shade vegetables...it will save everyone, including your server time...remember they have to communicate all your needs through a computer to a chef and his crew of multinationals...most of which don't speak let alone read english...and they are getting screamed at by me...the chef... who has to worry about all the tables in his shop...not just yours...a beautifully running restaurant is a vision to behold...and the meal and your experience can be uplifting and life changing ...we are here to impress and satisfy you...help us out...ohh Happy love day...
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