i know... iknow

So I already wrote an entry for the week...but I saw something...on my way to the flea market for some fruit and chatchky(sp)...we came upon a caravan...about 20 or so cars, trucks, bikes, etc...they were festooned with american flags and signs...their purpose in blowing their collective horns and driving at twenty miles an hour was to bring your attention to their resolute hatred of the president and the health care bill...here's some stuff I noticed

of the vehicles , bikes included, 17 were imports

there wasn't a single person of color in or on any vehicle

there were alot of bush/chenney/...McCain/palin bumper stickers

the signs hanging from the cars said we don't need a trillion dollar deficit ( you know the deficit that was there before Obama took office)

the leader of this group had a banner that read...i pay for my own health care...go get yours

I am continually annoyed by the misiformed nature of this group...they buy whatever lie corporate america tells them...if they do have healthcare...most likely its employer donated...because if they had to pay for their own...they could not afford it...they are always talking about the deficit...I'll bet most if not all of the people in question voted and supported bush...and that they really have no idea that the deficit was created by their own votes...When will we all realize that the republican and now the arch conservative republicans do not have the best interest of the citizens of our country at heart...they are stooges of the multinational corporations that now...thanks to Chief justice Roberts and his ilk...have complete control of our issues and who will get elected...think about it...if they can make every tax paying american having basic health care a treasonous idea...what will they decide to do next...convince the self same idiots that selling all our children's milk to chinese kids will increase foriegn trade and... reduce the deficit...


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