do we have a shorter attention span than a four year old?

Have you noticed that we must be reaching our saturation point on the whole oil thing?? A little less media attention than last week...sorta like the body counts in Iraq and Afghanistan seem to be represented by a short end of piece every night on the news...or how Haiti must have miraculously been rebuilt...cause we don't hear about it...New Orleans must be is back to normal... right...i mean it was five years ago...christ we have already forgotten about the life altering floods in and around Nashville...sometimes I think we get just what we deserve... politicians who are very good moving our consciousness to the next big nothing gets fixed...nothing is really dealt with...the oil has not reached my little beach town yet...the oil plumes are still travelling around the gulf...looking for a land mass to foul...but its old news
i was at the beach yesterday...some tourists from Texas were walking the shoreline...looking for tar balls not shells to take home ...they were mistaking the smell of two stroke for oil... for oil from the catastrophe...really...they wondered aloud if people were picking up the dead sea turtles early in the day... so the very few tourists left on the west coast of Florida wouldn't be upset to see them...I remember talking to a friend from "nawlins" almost a year after the hurricane...i commented that everything must be getting back to normal...he told me that nothing had returned to normal...that no one had come home...that most people who stayed were still in fema trailers...but no one is interested in our problems kids are still dying in Iraq and Afghanistan... Haiti is still a pile of ruble and the gulf coast is covered in a brown sticky mess...horrify me with next awful thing...i am tired of this old news!!!


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