i am a f'in liberal...

i saw a political ad today for some putz here in florida that basically said with little elaboration "vote for me cause I am a conservative".. don't vote for him he's liberal.... suddenly everyone wants to be a small minded self centered pin head??? i mean we aren't talking w.f. buckley conservatives...we are talking people who are afraid that the white american status quo needs to be brought back to order with the white guys in charge... seriously what is a conservative these days?...i know what a liberal is...or at least what i am...i stand for personal liberty...that differs greatly from corporate liberty...i believe we all have a stake in our government...even though we may disagree...i believe that you don't have to be a white male to get all the benefits of our constitution...i believe if rich people can pay paper taxes...then every single american gets health care...i believe just because you are Hispanic you are not a second class american...no one has the right to ask you for your "papers" unless you have broken a law...and then you should be given your Miranda rights by the police...not have to remember them yourself...i believe that our differences make us stronger not blood enemies...now that one...they working to get me to drop that rule...i naturally hate...its in my blood...but I try... i really try to remember that conservatives are the party of fear and separation...listen to the rhetoric...afraid of minorities...afraid of what corporations will do if they actually don't get their way...afraid that everyone getting health care could affect their health care or what it costs them...i am a liberal and i believe we are better than this...and if the conservatives regain control of this country they will finish the job gw and chenney set out for...the destruction of our nation and the legitimate creation of the corporate states of america...in bp we trust all else pay cash...


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